Far too many people get seriously injured or killed by forklift trucks. So let us talk about how you can prevent accidents. Here are some of the tips you can follow to ensure safe operation:
- ALWAYS make sure that the individual or person to operate the forklift is properly trained and certified. Otherwise, he is not supposed to drive the machine. The training can be completed in just a few hours, so spend just a little time to take the training program.
- ALWAYS make sure that the weight of the load doesn’t exceed the capacity the forklift can lift or carry. To understand how much weight the truck can carry, see its data plate (also called nameplate), it is attached to the body of the truck. Please do remember that exceeding the capacity can post a serious hazard to the operator – tip over is the common accident for overloading the forklift.
- Make sure that the load is properly centered and balanced otherwise, it could cause the load itself to fall or the truck to tip over. It is one of the common mistakes we’ve seen operators make – they do not ensure the load is correctly placed on the forks.
- Secure the load to carry so that it is stable on the forks and won’t move while being lifted. If the loads or materials are loose or damaged, do not transport it unless is properly restrained. You can use slings or lashings or straps, and of course, make sure those restraining gears are in good condition.
- When transporting load across long distances in the warehouse or site, inspect the load several times during transport, pull over and see if everything is ok. Transporting loads, especially those heavy ones, tend to loosen the chains or straps securing it with movement on the truck.
- It is common to move materials to and from the inside of the warehouse, be aware of the height of the door entrance so that you can adjust the mast and overhead guard of the truck when entering or exiting the building.
- If the site has its own designated roadway for forklift, the operator should only drive the equipment in that designated path. There’s a good reason for it – workers and machines don’t mix, it is the machine that always wins.
- Take extra precaution when moving load near the edge of a loading dock, this is where a serious accident happens – the truck could fall over if the operator loses awareness of the edge. The same is true when transporting on a ramp. It would be necessary to use a signalman to guide the operator when driving near an edge.
- Always observe the site’s speed limit for the forklift truck. Never proceed the speed limit. You can easily spot the number on the signs placed there. If you think you can slip once or twice over speeding but if you get caught, you could be cited with a severe penalty by the company.
- If the forward view is hampered by the load being transported, you can drive the forklift in reverse to improve visibility. Reverse driving should NOT be done when approaching an incline or ramp. In some situations, if the visibility is poor, you may need a signalman to assist you.
- When driving up on a slope, approach in forward direction; when driving down, drive in reverse. Transporting loads on these inclines should be done with utmost caution as this is a dangerous activity especially when there is a load being carried.